Tuesday 11 November 2014

I love my job

Going above and beyond the call of duty in corporate events
management, to deliver beyond expectations, is our standard
operating procedure. From a world-class extravaganza to an
elegant reception dinner
Each project we take on involves working with you and our well-established partners from
concept to completion, in order to ensure every detail is in place and all elements function
seamlessly. We achieve this by viewing events planning as a creative production and
throwing our full weight behind the engineering and execution of every detail. From the
smallest facet to the bigger picture, we’re an events management company which is always
focused on creating an event that’s unique, different and remembered for years to come.

Sunday 9 November 2014

Introduction In the world of money, two words are very important. Cash flow and Leverage . In this hub, we only look at leverage. Another group of my hubs will be purely on cash flow. You may be wondering why I did this. Simple reason; when I cluster my hubs in one group and link them to each other, each one help each other in terms of Google Page Ranking. If you are the type of hubber who aims for organic traffic from search engines, then you will understand this strategy. I aim for passive daily cash flow here. Therefore, I use all the leverages that I can lay my hands on to earn more here daily. What Is Leverage What is leverage? I just said it; leverage is the reason why some Hubbers earn more here than others. Let me be very precise. It is the reason why some are successful online and others are still struggling without earning a single cent. I guess you are thinking bit harder now. But that is not all, l everage is the reason why some people become so rich and some remain poor and broke. Leverage is the reason why some people enjoy happier, healthier, wealthier life and some people live in misery. It is my personal business and investment philosophy to keep everything simple. If I don’t understand a business system or investment opportunity, I don’t waste my time. It’s the KISS principle I adopted from Robert Kiyosaki’s book Rich Dad Poor Dad. KISS simply means: “ Keep It Simple Stupid ”. Let me define leverage in the simplest way. “ Leverage is the ability to do more for greater result with less effort ” Look at the definition closely. Let me extract key words in the definition to help you grasp the definition in its very simplest form yet with greater insights into what I am trying to say. Key words : Ability/More/Result/Effort Ability is to do with your physical, mental and emotional capability More is the measure of your ability to get things done. Result is what you get after using your abilities Effort is simply your strength in getting things done. When you put ability , more , result and effort together, you get leverage . Note that you haven’t reached the end yet. What you have now is a tool to help you achieve more with less effort. It is at this point when success and failure in life is determined. It is at this point that those with information create fortune and those that ignore information or knowledge and run with the wind in search for get rich quick or quick fix schemes end up losing all they have. Even some of the smartest people I know are still living their heads off. I take my hat off for them. The society needs hardworking, smart, committed workers. The saddest fact is, one can work hard, stay committed and being loyal but end up retiring broke, poor, frustrated, sick and ashamed. Why is that? I simply call it IGNORANCE to reality. What reality? Well! Start here with the reality of leverage and how you can use that to get more result with less effort. Case Study: Using Leverages to earn more in Hubpages Can you apply leverage in Hubpages ? The answer is of course. You may be saying “So how the heck do I use leverage and earn more in Hubpages? Can we use the KISS principle? Right. My simple answer is; get yourself educated. I don’t mean just read. If you are serious to earn, then STUDY Hubpages. When you read, what do you do? When you study, what do you do? When was the last time you read the Hubpages HELP SECTION? When was the last time you made an effort to contact the highly paid Hubbers here? If you are here to make money like I do, stop now and study Hubpages before you waste a lot of your time and effort. When you have that knowledge about Hubpages, you have the leverage over others. Now that I have used Hubpages to illustrate the power of leverage, I now wish to take you out of Hubpages and into the world of business and investment the powerful world of wealth creation. How Can You Use Leverage To Grow Wealth Leverage of your mind All man have being created equal despite, race, color and language. The only thing that makes all man equal is the MIND. Every normal man and woman living on earth has a thinking mind, right! Correct. Except for mentally retarded people, every man has a wonderfully made, full of potential, million dollar ideas in the mind. Every man and woman has equal capacity to become rich financially, and in health and in relationships. What than make others become wealthy, healthy and happy is the ability of individuals to use leverage of the mind. Napoleon Hills classic self-help book of all time, Think and Grow Rich said it all. The book has what I call “A Success Quotient”. The book brings together minds of over 5000 wealthy and powerful people that Dale Carnegie, the steel magnate, commissioned Napoleon Hill to write. This is one book, every millionaires and billionaire I read about said they read this book. So if you want to be wealthy, why not read it. You have nothing to lose but more to gain. When I share this in my business seminars, I sometimes receive some funny looks. Being wealthy begins, not in the diamond minds in Africa, nor the oil rings in Arab. Not even in the banks, nor the business one owns or the investment one makes. Wealth begins in the mind. I can go on and write a book here but then I make you lazy. So I suggest you start with the three books that changed my whole life.